Timehop Upload Your Twitter Archive Not Working

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Sometimes nosotros desire to relive our interests and experiences of a month, a yr, or several years agone. Because we spend so much time on social media nowadays, and share our interests constantly, this is a skilful mode to remind ourselves of the by. Twitter is ane of those social media platforms that can help us recall. At present with the Timehop application, you lot can become the tweets you posted on Twitter in the past. Timehop is a free social service that alerts you lot through your phone and email of what yous did a twelvemonth ago. This is achieved through connecting Twitter Archive to Timehop. Twitter Annal is simply a storage location where your tweets can be found.

  1. 1

    Log into your Twitter business relationship. Open up a new web tab and go to the Twitter website. Once on the Twitter home folio, provide your registered Twitter username on the first text box and the password on the second text box. Click the blue login button to sign into your Twitter account.

  2. 2

    Go to Twitter Settings page. At the top left corner of your Twitter home page is a tab called "Profile and settings." This tab is represented with an icon having your profile picture. Click it to brandish options under information technology. Whorl down, and click "Settings" to go to the Twitter Settings page.


  3. iii

    Request your Archive. While on the Twitter Settings page, roll to the lesser of the page and click the "Request your Archive" push. When yous click this button, a popular-up message volition come informing you that your archive link will exist sent to your email.

  4. 4

    Wait for the Annal link to be sent to your email. This can accept upwardly to a maximum of 2 hours. Be patient, though, and wait for Twitter to ship you an email containing the link for downloading your Archive.

  5. 5

    Visit your mail box and click on the link sent. You volition receive an email when your archive is ready. Sign into your registered email account and open the electronic mail received from Twitter. This mail contains a link to your archive. Click on that link to get to the window for downloading your Twitter Archive.

  6. 6

    Download the Twitter Archive. On the folio for downloading the Twitter archive, in that location is a blue "Download" button. Click the button to have your Twitter Archive downloaded in a compressed (goose egg) file.

    • After downloading, practice not endeavor to open the zipped file. If you do open it, you volition non be able to connect it to Timehop; instead, you lot volition receive an "Invalid archive" message. You will then take to download some other annal.


  1. 1

    Visit the Timehop website. On a new tab in your browser, become to the Twitter Timehop website. This volition direct y'all to the Timehop page for importing Twitter Archive. In the middle of this page is a big box with an "Upload your tweets.zip archive" button within.

  2. 2

    Drag and driblet the Twitter Archive nothing file to Timehop. Now open a file explorer on your computer, and become to where the downloaded Twitter Archive zip file was saved. Click and hold the file. Drag it and drop it in the box in the Timehop folio.

    • Alternatively, you can click the "Upload your tweets.zip archive" push button within the box, then browse for the download zipped file on your computer. Select the file and click "Open."
  3. 3

    Log into your Timehop account. When the upload of the file is complete, Timehop will inquire you to log into Timehop to terminate adding the Twitter Archive. Click the "Log in" push on the message that appears. This will take you to a screen for logging in using your Twitter account details. Enter your Twitter username on the offset box and password on the 2d box. Then click "Sign in" underneath to log into Timehop.

    • The process of connecting the Twitter Archive will be complete after logging into Timehop. You lot will at present be receiving daily notifications in your email and on your phone of what you tweeted today, one year agone. On phone, the notification is through the Timehop application.


  1. 1

    Launch the Timehop App. Go to the app carte du jour of your phone, and tap the Timehop app icon to launch it.

    • If you do non have the app installed, be certain to download it for free at your device's corresponding shop (Google Play for Android; iTunes App Shop for iOS).
  2. ii

    Log into Timehop. When Timehop starts, information technology takes you to a Get Started screen. Tap the "Getting started" button at the lesser of the screen, and you volition exist taken to a screen to connect Timehop with different social medias. Timehop works with platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Dropbox. You can cull to connect with all these platforms. However, because we are concerned with Twitter, choose to skip them till y'all become to the screen for connecting to Twitter.

    • When you lot go to the Twitter selection, tap on the "Connect" button at the bottom of the screen. This will have you to some other screen for signing into Timehop using your Twitter details. Provide the data into the fields provided, and tap "Qualify" to sign in.
  3. three

    View your past tweets. Now you tin can view what you did on Twitter today, one year ago. If you did not tweet annihilation, a bulletin will exist displayed that no activity was done. Remember, these tweets are pulled from the Twitter Archive y'all uploaded earlier.


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Source: https://www.wikihow.com/Connect-Your-Twitter-Archive-to-Timehop

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